Mulderadweg - bicycle route in the Ore Mountains district

"Mulderadweg" bicycle route in the Ore Mountains district (Erzgebirgskreis)

am Mulderadweg bei Aue

The section of the Mulde bicycle route in Erzgebirge was officially opened on the 3rd of May, 2013, and follows along the former railway track Chemnitz – Aue – Adorf. Part of this trail takes you from Wolfsgruen (district of Eibenstock) over 12 km to Aue and is paved all the way. In Blauenthal (district of Eibenstock) there is an intersection with the bicycle route “Karlsroute” that leads over the Erzgebirge ridge as far as Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad). A special highlight of the Mulde Bicycle Route in the Erzgebirge district is the ride through the renovated and lighted former railway tunnel near Bockau.

The surrounding villages have been connected to the Mulde bicycle route by direction signs along feeder routes. On these connecting routes you may ride through the trees on forest roads or on peaceful or moderately busy streets. Some forests paths here are not paved and you may have to reckon with sandy or gravel road surfaces.

The very charming and idyllic scenery and surrounding places of cultural interest along the Mulde River bicycle route in the Erzgebirge district are always worth a visit. Find out for yourself how much Erzgebirge has to offer! Experience the sights by “pedaling through” the cultural and historical riches of this region.

Bicycle Route – side trails

The Mulde cycling route is connected to further trails:

Karlsroute – cycling route between Aue and Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) in the Czech Republic leading through Blauenthal (district of Eibenstock), with further connections to the Eger cycling route and the cycling network in the Bohemian Erzgebirge.  Between Aue and Blauenthal the Karlsroute is congruent with the Mulde cycling route.  The feeder routes to the Karlsroute are well marked, connecting to the surrounding places. (Scheduled completion: 12/2014)
Further information:

KAMMtour (trail on the crest) – The KAMMtour travels between Altenberg and Schoeneck/Vogtland.  There are feeder routes to the Mulde bicycle route in Johanngeorgenstadt and to the Karls route at the border crossing to the Czech Republic above Oberwildenthal.
Further information:

Silberstrasse (Silver Street) cycling route – This bicycle trail leads from Zwickau as far as to Dresden.   It intersects with the Mulde cycling route in the area of Bad Schlema, Aue and Lauter-Bernsbach.
Further information:

Radfernweg Euregio Egrensis – Long distance bicycle route crossing the borders between Saxony, Bavaria, Thuringia and the Czech Republic connecting with the feeder routes to the Mulde cycling route in Eibenstock, Sosa and Johanngeorgenstadt.

Radfernweg Sächsisches Mittelgebirge (long distance bicycle route of low mountain range Saxony) – This trail merges at Lauter-Bernsbach with the feeder route leading to the Mulde cycling route and between Bockau and Blauenthal it is partly congruent with the Mulde cycling route.  From there it leads on the same trail as the Karls route up to the Czech border near Oberwildenthal.

Mulderadweg Bicycle route map

Download der Faltkarte (Vorderseite)

Download Mulderadweg Bicycle route map
Front with excursions along the Mulderadweg Bicycle route in the Ore Mountains district (788 kB)

Download der Faltkarte (Rückseite)

Download Mulderadweg Bicycle route map
Rear with map and main route, feeder routes in the Ore Mountains district and
the rest of the bicycle network in West Erzgebirge (2,39 MB)

Europäische Union
Dieses Projekt wird im Rahmen des „Entwicklungsprogramms für den ländlichen Raum im Freistaat Sachsen 2007-2013“ unter Beteiligung der Europäischen Union und dem Freistaat Sachsen, vertreten durch das Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft, gefördert.
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